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Firm Your Skin After Weight Loss with Nonsurgical Body Contouring

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The excitement of losing weight can be short-lived when our skin appears saggy or loose. Nonsurgical body contouring at VIP Cosmetic Surgery can provide firmer skin and a more contoured appearance without invasive procedures or downtime.

Dr. Kenneth D. Farr is a board-certified ophthalmologist and oculoplastic surgeon who offers a range of cosmetic procedures that help make you feel more comfortable and confident. This includes the cutting-edge technology Morpheus8™ by InMode.

Below, our team describes how this advanced skin tightening treatment works and why so many patients choose to work with our staff after weight loss in Hilton Head and Okatie, SC. Call now to schedule your consultation.

How does loose skin develop?

Our bodies produce less collagen and elastin by the time we turn 30. These essential proteins are known for keeping our skin firm and elastic. Factors like sun damage and smoking only accelerate this process and cause loose, sagging skin that often appears wrinkled.

Weight loss is another major factor that leads to skin laxity. When we diet or have bariatric surgery, our skin may not have the opportunity to “bounce back” as quickly as we want, resulting in drooping on the face, neck, stomach, arms, and legs.

Saggy skin is difficult to tone through diet and exercise alone. Even our most diligent efforts may not be enough to achieve a contoured body. Fortunately, skin tightening treatments like Morpheus8 produce excellent results without plastic surgery.

How does Morpheus8 help?

Nonsurgical body contouring is an outpatient treatment at VIP Cosmetic Surgery in Hilton Head and Okatie, SC. It combines radiofrequency energy and microneedling technology to encourage natural collagen and elastin production. Morpheus8 sessions take 30 – 90 minutes to complete based on the size and number of areas being addressed. Dr. Farr develops personalized plans that help meet your unique goals.

Though cosmetic surgery can remove excess skin after weight loss, Morpheus8 provides excellent results without going under the knife. This option is perfect for those with mild to moderate skin laxity who are not interested in or candidates for surgery. Additional benefits of Morpheus8 include:

  • Minimal side effects
  • No anesthesia or sedation required
  • Safe for all skin types
  • Suitable for use on the face and body
  • Natural-looking, long-lasting outcomes

When can I expect firm skin?

Mild redness and swelling are normal side effects but should resolve several days after nonsurgical body contouring. As we mentioned, no long recovery times are expected. It does take time for collagen and elastin to rebuild, so you may not notice results for several weeks or months. However, outcomes are known to last for years with the right care. VIP Cosmetic Surgery can provide tips and advice on maintaining your results long-term.

Ask about nonsurgical skin tightening

Weight loss and other factors may lead to loose, saggy skin that makes you feel self-conscious. Morpheus8 is a popular skin tightening treatment that produces successful results without surgery. Learn how to get started by calling VIP Cosmetic Surgery today. Board-certified ophthalmologist and oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Kenneth D. Farr is proud to offer advanced solutions like Morpheus8 in Hilton Head and Okatie, SC.


Five Signs It’s Time For Eye Rejuvenation

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When most people think of turning back the clock, they are focused on forehead lines, sagging jowls, and loose skin. While these common signs of facial aging can certainly make a person look older, many men and women are surprised to learn just how much of a role the eyes play in their overall appearance. In fact, enhancing the eye area alone can make a patient look years younger! At VIP Cosmetic Surgery in Hilton Head and Okatie, SC, board-certified ophthalmologist and oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Kenneth Farr performs a wide array of eye rejuvenation treatments and procedures to keep patients looking and feeling their best. Find out what signs may mean you could benefit from eye rejuvenation, and learn what surgical and nonsurgical eye enhancement options are available to you.

Do I need eye rejuvenation surgery?

Choosing to enhance your look with cosmetic surgery or a nonsurgical treatment is ultimately a personal decision. However, many patients are simply unsure whether their concerns are enough to warrant having work done. Five common signs and symptoms that may mean you are a good candidate for an eye rejuvenation procedure include:

  • Hanging eyelids: As we age, collagen and elastin fibers break down, leading to wrinkles and sagging skin. For many patients, this causes drooping eyelids, wrinkled eyelids, or heavy eyelids. In some cases, sagging eyelids can actually begin to impair a patient’s field of vision.
  • Hooded eyes: Even younger patients can have excess eyelid skin, giving the eyes a hooded appearance. Oftentimes, patients of certain ethnicities lack a strong eyelid crease and desire eye rejuvenation surgery.
  • Bags under the eyes: The lower eyelids can also be improved with eye rejuvenation surgery. Bulging bags under the eyes, puffy undereye circles, and other concerns involving the lower eye area may mean you are a candidate for eyelid surgery.
  • Heavy brow: The brow itself can also begin to sag or droop with age, impacting the eye area. Brow lift surgery, while it does not specifically address the eyes themselves, can make a dramatic impact on the upper face and bring more attention to the eyes.
  • Angry appearance: If you feel like you always look angry or tired, it may be due to your eyes. Puffiness, hanging eyelids, downturned eyes, and other concerns are often responsible for a tired or angry appearance and can be improved with eye rejuvenation surgery.

What kind of eye rejuvenation surgery do I need?

During your initial consultation for eye rejuvenation in the Hilton Head or Okatie, SC area, Dr. Farr will carefully evaluate your areas of concern, discuss your desired outcome, and explain all of your available options in detail. Based on this information, Dr. Farr will create a customized treatment plan that best meets your needs. Some of the most popular forms of facial rejuvenation and eye enhancement performed by Dr. Farr include:

With the right procedure and a highly skilled surgeon, like Dr. Farr, you can achieve your ultimate aesthetic goals with eye rejuvenation in South Carolina.

Refresh your look and restore your confidence with eye rejuvenation surgery in Hilton Head, SC

Whether you want to correct a drooping eyelid or hope to take years off your look, eye rejuvenation may be right for you. To learn more about the exciting surgical and nonsurgical eye rejuvenation options available at VIP Cosmetic Surgery in Hilton Head and Okatie, SC, call to schedule your private consultation with board-certified ophthalmologist and oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Kenneth Farr today!


Lady -brow and bleph

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Eyelid Lift and Brow Lift

Blepharoplasty & Brow Lift in Hilton Head, SC

Blepharoplasty is a surgery to remove excess skin on the upper or lower eyelid area. If the extra skin obstructs vision, a blepharoplasty will improve the visual field obstruction and provide a more youthful and alert appearance. When droopy eyebrows are also present, a procedure to elevate the brows may be appropriate, in addition to upper eyelid blepharoplasty.
Correction of mild to moderate brow ptosis may be accomplished through the same incision as an upper eyelid blepharoplasty. When the droopy eyelids are more severe, surgery directly above the brow, in the forehead creases, or at the hairline can be performed.


Jawline tightening before and after

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Facetite jawline and neck by Dr Kenneth Farr in Bluffton SC.

Client had heavy jowls and turkey neck laxity. She has a multiple step treatment plan and is in our 15 year younger program. These before and after photos are from her phase one treatment plan. Dr Kenneth Farr performed a non surgical Facetite procedure on her neck and jawline. The post photos are one month out. This procedure continues to have tightening up to three months post op. We will post more photos of her results.


IPL and armpit fat removal

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Chest IPL treatment for sun damaged skin and Armpit fat roll removed with BodyTite and Morpheus (40 year old female)

Non surgical minimally invasive body sculpting by Dr. Kenneth Farr in Bluffton

Middle aged woman presented with extra fat pocket above breast in arm fold. Bodytite body sculpting was preformed with morpheus 8 by Dr. Kenneth Farr. This procedure melts fat and tightens the skin. Its a minimally invasive procedure with little downtime. She returned to the office 3 weeks post and still had some residual fat. We preformed a second morpheus 8 treatment and was able to achieve her ideal results. A compression garment was worn for 7 days post bodytite procedure.

Before Non Surgical Accutite/ BodyTite for armpit fat roll


How Should I Care for My Eyes After an Eyelid Lift?

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For many people, the goal of an eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) is to improve their appearance. In others, it may be about removing droopy lids that cause chronic discomfort. Whatever your reason for undergoing this procedure, you’ll want to know how to care for your new and refreshed eyes after surgery. Board-certified oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Kenneth D. Farr can provide tips and advice for a healthy eyelid lift near me in Hilton Head or Okatie, SC.

If you’re considering an eyelid lift, it’s important to consider the post-procedure care that will be necessary. This includes restrictions, wound care, and attending follow-up appointments at VIP Cosmetic Surgery. Call our staff to learn how an advanced eyelid lift works and what to do in the weeks after a surgical eyelid lift.

What happens during an eyelid lift?

Blepharoplasty removes excess skin and fat pockets on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both. By reducing sagging skin and puffiness around the eyes, men and women alike enjoy smoother-looking skin. It may even be possible to improve your range of vision.

During your eyelid lift near me at VIP Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Farr will make a small incision in the crease of your upper or lower lid. By removing just the amount of skin and fat that’s needed, we can create results that preserve your natural contours and eyelid functions.

What should I expect during eyelid lift recovery?

A surgical eyelid lift does require a few weeks of rest. This is because you’ll have uncomfortable side effects, like swelling and bruising around the eyes. VIP Cosmetic Surgery can provide recovery instructions and medications to reduce inflammation and make you feel more comfortable after blepharoplasty in Hilton Head or Okatie, SC.

How can I make recovery easier?

Your eyelid lift recovery can be made easier if you follow the advice of Dr. Farr. We’ll ask you to avoid physical exertion for a few days so the incision areas can heal. Don’t place any unnecessary pressure on your eyes. You may also need to sleep more than usual, so prepare your bedroom or living room with healthy snacks, extra pillows, and entertainment. Other tips include:

  • Eat healthy and balanced meals
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Avoid smoking
  • Take medications as directed by Dr. Farr
  • Use cold compresses for swelling and bruising
  • Protect your eyes from direct sunlight
  • Ask for help if you need it

How long do results last?

Patients are excited to learn that results from blepharoplasty can last ten years or longer based on their age, skin laxity, and personal skin care routine. It’s also important to stay out of UV rays to preserve your outcomes. However, a surgical eyelid lift doesn’t necessarily stop the aging process. Ask the professionals at VIP Cosmetic Surgery about facial rejuvenation treatments, like lasers and chemical peels, to update your results.

A safe and effective eyelid lift recovery

After successful eyelid surgery at VIP Cosmetic Surgery, it’s important to follow proper guidelines for the best outcomes possible. Board-certified oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Kenneth D. Farr can walk you through the details when you schedule an eyelid lift near me in Hilton Head or Okatie, SC. Our goal is to achieve your desired results with the least amount of discomfort possible. We’re here to help you!


How Long Will Eyelid Lift Scars Take To Heal?

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From time to time, we all experience puffiness or swelling around the eyes. While this is usually temporary and may be attributed to stress, fatigue, allergies, or another trigger, some men and women struggle with puffy or sagging eyelids all the time, which may be related to aging or simply a product of genetics. For these patients, eyelid lift surgery can be a life-changing procedure that helps to create a softer, more attractive, more youthful overall appearance. At VIP Cosmetic Surgery – with convenient locations in Okatie, SC – board-certified ophthalmologist and oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Kenneth D. Farr is proud to help patients achieve discreet, beautiful, natural-looking, and long-lasting results with eyelid lift surgery. Read on for a closer look at what you can expect during and after an eyelid lift, including how long recovery may take and when your scars should be fully healed.

What is an eyelid lift?

Also known as blepharoplasty, the eyelid lift is a popular facial rejuvenation surgery designed to address concerns on the upper eyelid, lower eyelid, or both. Most commonly, blepharoplasty surgery is performed to correct signs of aging around the eyes, but it can also be beneficial for patients who have naturally hooded eyes, excess eyelid skin, or other complaints. Some of the most common concerns that can be improved or reversed with eyelid lift surgery include:

  • Sagging upper eyelids
  • Droopy eyelids
  • Hooded eyes
  • Wrinkled eyelids
  • Extra eyelid skin
  • Puffy lower eyelids
  • Bulging fat under the eyes

Where are blepharoplasty incisions placed?

Blepharoplasty can be performed as an upper eyelid lift, lower eyelid lift, or both, depending on the patient’s concerns and goals. During an upper blepharoplasty, Dr. Farr creates a thin incision in the crease of the upper eyelid, allowing him to trim excess skin and create a tighter, smoother look. Lower blepharoplasty, on the other hand, involves a delicate incision placed along the patient’s lower lash line, through which Dr. Farr can remove fat and excise loose skin.

How long is recovery after blepharoplasty?

Most Okatie patients can return to work and other light activities within 1 – 2 weeks after an eyelid lift, depending on the nature and extent of the procedure. The blepharoplasty incisions themselves may take up to 6 – 8 weeks to heal, with full healing and fading taking up to a year in some cases.

Are eyelid lift scars visible?

Dr. Farr understands the importance of keeping cosmetic work discreet and minimizing visible scarring, particularly with facial procedures. With this in mind, Dr. Farr takes great care to place his eyelid lift incisions within the natural lines and creases of the eyes, resulting in scars that are virtually imperceptible once healing is complete. To further enhance your final blepharoplasty results and ensure the least amount of visible scarring possible, it’s important to follow all of Dr. Farr’s eyelid lift aftercare instructions closely, which may include avoiding sun exposure and restricting strenuous exercise for a short period of time.

With a skilled surgeon and proper aftercare, the results of blepharoplasty can last for up to a decade or longer.

See the world – and yourself – in a whole new light with an eyelid lift surgery in Hilton Head, SC

If your sagging eyelids or puffy undereyes are making you look or feel older than you actually are, we can help. With advanced blepharoplasty surgery, you can achieve the youthful, refreshed, and rejuvenated appearance you deserve. To learn more about the life-changing results that may be possible for you, call VIP Cosmetic Surgery to schedule your blepharoplasty consultation in Hilton Head or Okatie, SC with top board-certified ophthalmologist and oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Kenneth D. Farr today!


How Do I Know If I Need Eyelid Surgery?

By vip cosmetic surgeryNo Comments

Do you have drooping eyelids or under-eye bags? Are you starting to look tired even after a good night’s sleep? You may be an ideal candidate for eyelid surgery. Blepharoplasty can help you appear more rested and refreshed, and it may even improve your vision.

There are several signs that you could benefit from an eyelid lift at VIP Cosmetic Surgery. If you have any of the following concerns, call now to discuss your options with board-certified ophthalmologist and oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Kenneth D. Farr. Our Hilton Head and Okatie, SC team understands the delicate nature of this procedure and can ensure optimal results.

Your vision is obstructed

As we age, the skin around the upper eyelids becomes loose and hangs down. Unfortunately, this excess tissue can obstruct our vision. Drooping eyelids are especially problematic when performing essential functions like driving or reading. Candidates for upper eyelid surgery tend to raise their eyebrows or tilt their heads back to see clearly. Dr. Farr can remove the extra tissue to widen your field of vision.

You appear tired or angry

People may comment that you seem tired or angry when you’re not, and this can be frustrating. Puffiness and dark circles under the eyes (known as “bags”) can give off the appearance of fatigue. If you have bags, they may be caused by excess fatty deposits or loose skin. During lower eyelid surgery, Dr. Farr removes or redistributes this tissue to create an alert and refreshed look.

You want long-lasting results

Over-the-counter creams and cosmetics may “hide” the appearance of bags or fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. However, they only provide temporary outcomes. These products do nothing to control skin elasticity or drooping features that make you feel self-conscious.

Surgery is often necessary when drugstore treatments fail to work. Blepharoplasty addresses the root of the problem instead of covering it up. Results from upper and lower eyelid surgery could last for years, especially if you take good care of your skin and protect yourself from the sun.

You are in good health

It’s important to be in good physical and mental health before undergoing any cosmetic surgery. During a consultation, Dr. Farr will evaluate your medical background to ensure your candidacy for eyelid surgery in Hilton Head or Okatie, SC. We may ask about any conditions or medications that could affect your outcomes. The goal is to provide patients with the safest and most effective care possible.

You want dramatic results

An eyelid lift creates wonderful results countless people love. If you want more dramatic and comprehensive outcomes, VIP Cosmetic Surgery can recommend combining blepharoplasty with other nonsurgical treatments. Our custom-tailored approach has helped many people achieve their desired look. Ask Dr. Farr about dermal fillers, laser treatments, and chemical peels during an assessment.

See what an eyelid lift can do for you

Drooping eyelids and under-eye bags are common but treatable concerns. Eyelid surgery can make you look rested and alert while also improving your vision. Learn how this innovative procedure works by contacting VIP Cosmetic Surgery in Hilton Head or Okatie, SC. Board-certified ophthalmologist and oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Kenneth D. Farr can review your candidacy and create a treatment plan to help you look and feel your best.


Front view lids with mask

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Blepharoplasty* rejuvenates eyes in Hilton Head, SC

A person’s eyes are a unique component of the face that deserves to be visible; however, an excess of skin on top or around the eyes can produce an unflattering facial appearance. Oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Kenneth Farr performs eyelid surgery (known as blepharoplasty) to reduce excess skin and rejuvenate the lower and/or upper eyelids.