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How Long Should Swelling Last After FaceTite™ Treatment?

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As we age, collagen and elastin production slows down and causes the skin to crease, wrinkle, and sag. At VIP Cosmetic Surgery, we offer a nonsurgical approach to diminishing aging skin to achieve a tighter, more youthful complexion. Dr. Kenneth D. Farr works with patients throughout Hilton Head and Okatie, SC, providing FaceTite treatments to help trim years of their appearance.

What is FaceTite treatment?

FaceTite treatment is a nonsurgical procedure that utilizes radiofrequency-guided lipolysis to melt and remove unwanted fat cells from the skin. This process stimulates collagen production and firms up the skin for a brilliant, more youthful look. At VIP Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Farr develops customized treatment plans to help meet the personal needs and cosmetic goals of each patient.

Benefits of FaceTite treatment

Men and women can enjoy numerous benefits from FaceTite treatments, including:

  • MInimally invasive surgical methods
  • Minimal to no downtime
  • Highly-tailored outcomes
  • Easy and comfortable treatment sessions
  • Smoother, brighter skin
  • A lifted look around the jawline and mouth
  • Fewer signs of aging, including sagging, wrinkled skin

Am I an ideal candidate for FaceTite treatment?

Both men and women may be ideal candidates for FaceTite treatment if they:

  • Are seeking nonsurgical methods to improve their skin tone
  • Have wrinkled, creased, or sagging skin
  • Have loose skin around the eyes, mouth, jawline, chin, or neck
  • Are in good, general health
  • Have not received any cosmetic injections within the last 6 – 8 months

Dr. Farr will review your medical history and personal goals to determine if you can safely undergo FaceTite treatment. Patients who are pregnant or who have certain medical conditions may not qualify for FaceTite treatment.

How does the procedure work?

FaceTite treatments take place within the comforts of one of our private treatment rooms at VIP Cosmetic Surgery. A small dose of local anesthesia is administered to numb each treatment area. A small cannula is inserted under the skin to emit radiofrequency energy. Fat cells are targeted and destroyed while the skin contracts to stimulate collagen production. Each session lasts approximately 45 minutes, and patients may return home the same day to resume normal daily activities.

Does FaceTite treatment hurt?

Since local anesthesia is used during treatment, most patients do not experience pain. However, patients often experience temporary swelling, redness, or tenderness of the skin after their FaceTite treatment session.

How long should the swelling last after FaceTite treatment?

Typically, it will take approximately three days for swelling and redness to subside. Dr. Farr sends each patient home with a pressure garment to aid in swelling reduction and optimize recovery. If swelling persists for longer than three days, patients should contact us at VIP Cosmetic Surgery right away.

Recovery after FaceTite treatment

To optimize your recovery, Dr. Farr will send you home with a list of protocols to follow, including:

  • Eating soft foods to avoid chewing motions of the face and mouth
  • Avoiding strenuous activities for about 1 – 2 weeks
  • Maintaining a stable weight

Patients who maintain their recovery protocol may see results as soon as 3 – 8 weeks after their initial treatment.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of recommended FaceTite treatments will depend on the patient’s goals, the condition of their skin, and Dr. Farr’s professional recommendations. While some patients will notice visible results after one treatment, many patients may need multiple treatments to help reach their aesthetic goals.

Learn more about treatment and recovery for FaceTite

Schedule an appointment at VIP Cosmetic Surgery today to learn more about FaceTite treatment. Dr. Kenneth D. Farr works with patients throughout Hilton Head and Okatie, SC who strive for improved skin tone without the hassle of invasive surgery.


When to Choose FaceTite™ Treatment Over Facelift Surgery

By vip cosmetic surgeryNo Comments

It can be challenging to decide if cosmetic surgery is necessary if you have unwanted signs of aging. While a facelift is a common option, there are now alternatives, like FaceTite, that offer similar results with less downtime. Oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Kenneth D. Farr can address loose skin on the chin, neck, and jowls with this minimally invasive anti-aging procedure.

Do you want to look younger but are hesitant to undergo invasive surgery? If so, you may be a good candidate for FaceTite. Call VIP Cosmetic Surgery for a consultation and learn more about this revolutionary treatment. Our team in Hilton Head and Okatie, SC, will be happy to answer any of your questions.

What causes aging skin?

Loose skin is caused by a decrease in collagen and elastin, essential proteins that keep the skin looking smooth and elastic. Aging also causes the skin to thin, which can lead to sagging. Individuals who smoke, sunbathe without protection, or have a genetic predisposition to wrinkles are more likely to have loose skin. Fat pockets just below the skin can also cause your facial features to sag or droop downward.

When should I choose facelift surgery?

Facelift surgery is designed for patients with severe signs of aging in the face, neck, chin, and jowls. A facelift carefully removes excess skin and tightens the underlying muscles and tissues to improve the contours of your face. This means patients can have dramatic and noticeable results that last for years with the right aftercare.

However, it is important to know that a facelift does come with some risks. A facelift involves incisions placed in the hairline at the temple. Patients should have realistic expectations about what a facelift can achieve. They should also expect side effects, like scarring that eventually fades over time.

How does FaceTite work?

Patients who are not interested in facelift surgery should ask Dr. Farr about FaceTite. This treatment uses radiofrequency-guided lipolysis to melt away fat pockets. It also firms the skin and allows collagen to be produced at a much faster rate than normal. The result is a smoother and more youthful appearance that only gets better over time.

FaceTite involves placing a small cannula beneath the skin while the patient is under local anesthesia. Radiofrequency energy targets fat cells and cause your skin to contract. Sessions last about 45 minutes, and then patients return to normal activities by the following day. Any minor side effects, like redness and swelling, should subside after three days. While some outcomes will be seen almost immediately, greater improvements occur over the following 3 – 8 weeks.

VIP Cosmetic Surgery offers personalized anti-aging procedures to patients in Hilton Head and Okatie, SC. During an assessment with Dr. Farr, we may recommend AccuTite to address smaller and more delicate areas on the face. Ask us how this treatment can accomplish your desired results.

Get a younger look with FaceTite

Loose skin and stubborn fat pockets in the neck, chin, or jowls can be a source of embarrassment and frustration. If you are looking for a minimally invasive alternative to facelift surgery, call VIP Cosmetic Surgery to consult with oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Kenneth D. Farr. Our team in Hilton Head and Okatie, SC offers a variety of popular anti-aging treatments that can help you achieve the youthful look you desire.


Can an Eyelid Lift Remove Eye Bags?

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Eye bags can not only make you look tired but also make you appear older than your years. Your eyes are one of the first things people notice about you, so you’ll want to ensure they look fabulous. If you have eye bags, you might want to consider an eyelid lift to remove the excess skin on your upper and lower eyelids. Following the surgery, you can look younger and rejuvenated.

If you suffer from eye bags, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kenneth D. Farr at VIP Cosmetic Surgery in Hilton Head or Okatie, SC. Dr. Farr will examine your eye bags and discuss your goals with you. He will create a customized treatment plan that focuses on an eyelid lift to smooth away your eye bags and give you a natural, younger-looking appearance. If you are seeking cosmetic surgery, meeting with Dr. Farr to discuss eyelid surgery is a great step toward saying goodbye to eye bags.

All about an eyelid lift for eye bags

An eyelid lift, known as blepharoplasty, can effectively remove excess skin around the eye area to provide you with a softer, smoother appearance on both the lower and upper eyelids. Cosmetic surgery can remove sagging eyelids while also improving the function of your eye area. Individuals enjoy a younger facial appearance.

The benefits of eyelid surgery at VIP Cosmetic Surgery in Hilton Head or Okatie, SC:

  • Helps remove drooping skin over the eyelids
  • Provides a greater field of vision
  • Offers a refreshed, younger look
  • Helps ease the irritation that occurs from excess skin rubbing
  • Improves self-esteem
  • Smoothes away under eye bags

Is eyelid surgery the right choice?

Undergoing either/both an upper or lower blepharoplasty can dramatically improve the appearance of your eyes by lifting and smoothing away eye bags and sagging skin.

During your consultation with Dr. Farr at VIP Cosmetic Surgery, you’ll be presented with treatment options to help meet your unique needs. Blepharoplasty surgery may be ideal if you suffer from sagging skin that creates folds on top of your eyelid and bulges or bags under your lower eyelid.

Bags under the eyes and folds on the top of your eyelids can lead to vision disturbances. You might start to have a difficult time carrying out daily activities. Fortunately, blepharoplasty can effectively soften your appearance by getting rid of the folds and bulges around your eyes.

What to expect from blepharoplasty

Dr. Farr will determine which blepharoplasty techniques will help meet your needs. The surgery is carried out using either general anesthesia or IV sedation. Blepharoplasty can be carried out on only the upper eyelid or the lower. In most cases, a patient will opt to have both the upper and bottom eyelids done by combining the treatments.

Schedule an eyelid lift consultation in Hilton Head or Okatie, SC

We invite you to schedule a consultation at VIP Cosmetic Surgery in Hilton Head or Okatie, SC. At your consultation, Dr. Kenneth D. Farr will examine your eye bags to determine if an eyelid lift is the right treatment choice to help meet your needs. He may recommend a lower eyelid lift or a combination upper/lower eyelid lift to refresh your appearance. Contact us today to learn more.


Can a Thread Lift Help Rejuvenate the Lower Face?

By vip cosmetic surgeryNo Comments

As we age, our faces lose retention of naturally occurring proteins that keep the skin vibrant and youthful. This causes the tissue to thin, wrinkle, and sag. At VIP Cosmetic Surgery, we offer highly tailored PDO thread lifts as a minimally invasive alternative to facelift surgery to attain a firmer, younger complexion. Dr. Kenneth D. Farr is a board-certified ophthalmologist and oculoplastic surgeon who works with patients at two locations in Hilton Head and Okatie, SC.

What is a PDO thread lift?

A polydioxanone (PDO) thread lift is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that uses dissolvable sutures to elevate and firm the face. These threads are inserted into the skin using a needle and cannula device to, over the course of a few weeks, diminish age-related anomalies including lax skin, fine lines, and wrinkles. At VIP Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Farr works with each patient to develop a customized PDO thread lift treatment plan based on their personal goals and his professional recommendations.

What is a PDO thread lift used to treat?

PDO thread lifts are minimally invasive alternative treatments used to address skin conditions of the:

  • Cheeks
  • Jawline
  • Eyes
  • Midface
  • Neck

Aside from sagging skin, a PDO thread lift can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Can a thread lift help rejuvenate the lower face?

At VIP Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Farr utilizes PDO thread lifts to diminish smokers’ lines, or vertical creases that form between the nose and upper lip. Additionally, dissolvable threads can be strategically placed to firm and smooth areas around the jaw and neck for a younger appearance.

Am I an ideal candidate for a PDO thread lift?

Both men and women are excellent candidates for PDO thread lifts if they:

  • Are in good, general health
  • Have realistic treatment expectations
  • Are looking for alternative treatments to facelift surgery
  • Have fine lines and wrinkles of the face or neck
  • Have mild to moderate skin laxity of the face and neck

Dr. Farr will assess your skin and review your medical history to determine if you can safely participate in PDO thread lift treatments. PDO thread lifts can also be used in combination with other cosmetic procedures, including dermal fillers.

What is the treatment process is like?

PDO thread lifts are performed in one of our private treatment rooms at VIP Cosmetic Surgery. Dr. Farr sanitizes the skin and applies a topical anesthetic to numb each treatment site. With a small needle and a cannula device, Dr. Farr will carefully insert and anchor dissolvable sutures into each treatment site. Once you are approved for discharge, you may return home and resume normal daily activities.

Are PDO thread lifts painful?

Since local anesthesia is administered, most patients report feeling little to no discomfort during treatment. However, typically experience swelling, tenderness, and bruising at each treatment site after their session which subsides on its own within a few days.

What should I expect after treatment?

Although patients are not required to participate in any downtime after a PDO thread lift, they will be asked to adhere to certain protocols to optimize results, including:

  • Avoiding rubbing or massaging the face
  • Avoid pursing the lips, smoking, or drinking through a straw
  • Abstaining for strenuous activity or physical exercise
  • Avoid using a sauna or a tanning bed
  • Minimizing sleeping on your side

How long will my PDO thread lift results last?

If patients adhere to the recovery protocol and experience little to no complications after treatment, then PDO thread lift results can potentially last up to 10 months. Consult with Dr. Farr about scheduling follow-up appointments to maintain your desired cosmetic outcomes.

Learn more about PDO thread lifts for the lower face

If you reside in or near Hilton Head or Okatie, SC and would like to know if PDO thread lift treatments are right for you, contact us at VIP Cosmetic Surgery and schedule an appointment today. Board-certified ophthalmologist and oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Kenneth D. Farr will work with you, assess your skin status, and create a customized treatment plan that meets your cosmetic goals.


At What Age Can I Get Eyelid Surgery?

By vip cosmetic surgeryNo Comments

Fewer features play as prominent of a role in a person’s overall facial appearance as the eyes. Even subtle imperfections around the eye – like loose skin, wrinkles, or heaviness – can make a person look dramatically older or just “different” than they feel on the inside. Some men and women even look angry, sad, or tired at all times due to these common signs of aging around the eyes. At VIP Cosmetic Surgery, board-certified ophthalmologist and oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Kenneth D. Farr performs upper and lower eyelid surgery to help restore a more youthful and fresher look for Okatie, SC patients with age-related concerns around the eyes. You may be surprised to learn, however, that eyelid surgery can also benefit younger patients. Keep reading for a closer look at eyelid surgery at almost any age, and find out when it may be time for you to consider this life-changing procedure.

What does an eyelid lift do?

Formally known as blepharoplasty, the eyelid lift is a cosmetic eye enhancement procedure designed to improve the appearance of the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both. Most often, blepharoplasty surgery is performed to reverse the unwanted side effects of aging, but it can also be useful for patients whose concerns are not related to the aging process. Some of the most common complaints that lead patients to pursue blepharoplasty surgery include:

  • Hooded eyes
  • Heavy upper eyelids
  • Tired eyes
  • Downturned eyes
  • Saggy eyelids
  • Wrinkled eyelids
  • Obstructed field of vision due to excess upper eyelid skin
  • Puffiness under the eyes
  • Bulging lower eyelids
  • Asymmetric eyelids
  • Sad or angry-looking eyes
  • Squinted eyes

Is there a minimum age requirement for an eyelid lift?

Generally speaking, patients should be adults at least 18 years or older before undergoing elective cosmetic surgery. Ideal candidates for blepharoplasty should be in good health, nonsmoking, and have realistic expectations for their recovery and results.

What is the best age for blepharoplasty surgery?

There is not necessarily a right or wrong age to undergo eyelid lift surgery. For some patients, blepharoplasty is not something that is even considered until they begin to notice visible signs of aging around the eyes, which often occurs in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. In other cases, such as when patients have naturally hooded eyes, an eyelid lift is something they may have been hoping for since childhood or adolescence.

Is an eyelid lift permanent?

Regardless of when eyelid lift surgery is performed, it can provide stunning, long-lasting results. However, it is important to understand that having eyelid surgery at a young age will not prevent the aging process from happening, but it may slow the development of visible signs of aging around the eyes. To help preserve your blepharoplasty results for as long as possible, be sure to avoid direct sun exposure, eat a healthy diet, and abstain from smoking. With an experienced surgeon, proper aftercare, and a healthy lifestyle, eyelid lift surgery can help you enjoy a bright, fresh, youthful look for years to come.

Open your eyes to the exciting results that are possible with eyelid surgery in Hilton Head, SC

Whether you’ve just started to become self-conscious about bags under your eyes or you’ve had a weak eyelid crease for as long as you can remember, you may be a candidate for blepharoplasty surgery. For more information on how an eyelid lift can help enhance your look, call  VIP Cosmetic Surgery in Bluffton, SC to schedule your one-on-one consultation with board-certified ophthalmologist and oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Kenneth Farr today.